
Mt. Pleasant to save with energy-efficient lighting

Mt. Pleasant will change to energy-efficient lights in borough buildings as a way to save money.

The borough recently brought in representatives from Honeywell to conduct a study of lighting, furnaces and equipment to determine what could be done to save money.

The study took about two months. Lighting was the only change that Honeywell suggested.

The project will cost about $132,000, but will save the borough about $7,000 annually.

Borough Manager Jeff Landy said money for the project will be borrowed at an interest rate of 2 percent, and the savings each year will pay back the loan.

He said borough officials plan to complete the project this year.

In other business, council:

• Discussed a complaint about swearing and possible marijuana use on the basketball courts in Frick Park.

Mayor Gerald Lucia will talk with the borough’s police department to see what can be done.

• Voted to seeks bids to pave Anne Street, an intersection of North Geary Street, and Joseph Street from South Geary Street to Ramsey Court.

Sealed bids will be accepted until 10 a.m. May 15, when they will be opened. The contract will be awarded at council’s regular meeting on May 19.

• Hired Brown’s Tree Service for $1,000 to cut down three trees on municipal building property and grind the stumps.

• Hired Bob Hudec Construction for $3,500 to replace 111?2 concrete pads on the walking track at Frick Park.

Councilman Jack Caruso announced the borough was approved for a $5,000 grant by Westmoreland Cleanways to purchase trees.


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