Making a mistake in your lighting retrofit project can mean you’re losing those great savings you were expecting. There’s one area we haven’t mentioned in the past few weeks and that is retrofit lighting hardware.
Hardware Options Can be Just Sizzle
You may be torn between salt-resistant antique bronze and brushed nickel that you could go crazy on with abrasive cleaning products. And the hardware features! You could control those lights with Bluetooth from across the room or around the world. But when it came down to it, are you focusing on the extras rather than what was needed for the project? Falling in love with the hardware is a major mistake for your energy efficient lighting retrofit, because it can cause you to spend more than you intended for features that may not really make a big difference in the real world. Here’s why.
Technology May NOT be Needed
When you’re looking at new technology, sophisticated control and other features can be very enticing. It’s easy to get caught up in these features instead of remaining focused on what the project requires. Though the other features are exciting, they won’t do your business any good because they are unnecessary or won’t be used enough to justify the expense. Instead, return your focus to the cost/benefit ratio of your original plan of action.
Focus on Important and the Necessary Features of Lighting Hardware
But what about when you’re taking a look at the test results? You still need to apply the same common sense approach. When we were looking at the hardware, the salt and abrasive resistance drew us in. But we didn’t really need those features for my project. If I ever had salt water in that structure at that height, I would have had much bigger concerns to deal with on my mind. It wouldn’t make any sense to select hardware with that feature. Instead, the focus needed to be on the features I did need, including the right light temperature to reduce eyestrain, a low maintenance finish and easy-to-control light levels.
Developing Testing Processes to Select the Right Hardware
Beyond the test results, you need to make sure the testing methodology that is used makes sense for your application. Is the testing method appropriate for your project’s demands, or is it just a holdover from a different application? Make sure you take a solid look at the footnotes and any available references. Look at this information critically. Most literature is designed to show the hardware in the best possible light, otherwise it wouldn’t accomplish its purpose of selling the product. Read it with that view in mind and consider what questions it doesn’t answer. Understanding technology and the results of its application are two very different concepts.
Overall Goals Drive Hardware Selection
When you’re looking at your lighting retrofit project, it’s vital that you keep your goals and requirements in mind instead of getting caught up in the bells and whistles that may not make any real difference to your business. Before you sign off on the final plan, make sure you step back and review what your needs are and whether the hardware you’ve fallen in love with meets those long term needs, or if it’s just a quick affair that leaves you wanting. If you need help getting the right lighting retrofit for the job, Retro-Tech Systems is ready to help, just contact us today. We’re happy to help you get the hardware you love that delivers what you need.