Lighting retrofits provide unprecedented opportunities to cut your operating costs while improving the quality of light in your business. With energy savings of up to 65%, fast payback times from six months to two years, lower maintenance and lower cooling costs, it’s hard to see a bad side to an energy-efficient LED lighting retrofit. But all those savings can quickly disappear if you make a mistake while going through your lighting retrofit. In today’s post, we’ll discuss how failing to scrutinize proposals from retrofit companies can cause serious problems to your project.
Get Several Proposals
Before you go with the first proposal you’ve received from a retrofit company, stop to consider the proposal. You’ll want to get multiple proposals for any project, not just your lighting retrofit. Do the companies providing the proposals have solid references? If the only company you’re talking to is giving you a hard sell, don’t give in – there’s quite possibly disreputable company and will overcharge you, install inferior parts or not complete the job once they’ve been paid.
Compare the Proposals Against Each Other
The next step is to compare and go over the proposals. Did each company ask detailed questions before offering ways to address the retrofit in a way that works well for your company? What about the components offered for the retrofit? Did you have a test performed, and do the components used in the test the same as those listed in the proposal? If there are any differences between the components used in the test and those listed in the proposal, demand to see the proposal components in a test setting before choosing a contractor. If a contractor is recommending a different set of components than other contractors have, ask what the differences will be in light temperature, intensity, efficiency and any other differences between the proposed systems.
Compare the Proposals Against Current and Expected Energy Costs
Next, you’ll want to compare the proposals against the energy audit. Make sure you’ve got a current energy bill handy to compare rates. Take a good look at the proposals and see what they’re using for their facts and figures. Are the savings calculated reflecting a high electric rate, such as a 10% increase per year? Is the existing wattage an accurate representation of your power usage or is it overstated? Is the wattage of the proposed retrofits accurate or understated? Does the proposal reflect the correct rate for electrical power, the hours your business is operational and the number of fixtures that are needed? Make sure you know the answers to these questions before signing the contract.
Make Sure the Contractor is Solvent
Using a company that doesn’t have adequate financial resources can be risky. Most retrofit jobs require some adjustments to be made, and if a lighting company can’t absorb those costs and deliver as promised, they can’t finish the job. A company, who can’t pay suppliers, has limited credit lines or cash flow issues leads to delays and liens. Major financial problems can lead to liability against the customer, because they become the natural focus for legal recourse when the attorneys know they can’t get anything out of the contractor.
If you don’t take the time to scrutinize your lighting retrofit proposal, you can lose all the savings you were hoping to gain. Using a quality contractor will help you get the best results out of your retrofit project in the end. If you need help with getting a proposal for your lighting