1. Client Challenge:
Federal agencies must reduce energy use in their facilities by 30% from their 2005 baseline by 2015. The housing authority provides housing for over 500 residents at the Courtyard Apartments with a goal to improve quality of life.
2. Water Solution:
RTS Water conducted an evaluation of the facility and from that developed a plan. The water conservation measures that were taken at the Courtyard Apartments included the replacement of fixtures, urinals, toilets, showerheads, etc. These were installed to decrease water usage.
The fixtures that were replaced included the following:
- Lavatory Sinks
- Urinals
- Utility Sinks
- Kitchen Sinks
- Toilets
- Shower Heads
3. The Results:
The results were great. Utility savings were generated in three different areas: water, sewer, and natural gas usage. Most of the savings resulted from water and sewer reductions. The natural gas was saved by the reduction in hot water consumption. Since less hot water is being used, less energy is required at the hot water heater.