1. Client Challenge:
The Metropolitan Condominiums is owned by Pinnacle Equities, LLC, a subsidiary of Time Equities. They are a full-service real estate company based out of New York. The challenge was to reduce costs to continue to provide affordable housing to its residents.
2. Water Solution:
RTS Water’s conservation measures included the retrofitting and installation of new plumbing fixtures, components, etc. These were done to decrease water usage with the building.
3. The Results:
The overall savings was significant. Utility savings were generated in three different areas: water, sewer, and natural gas usage. Most of the savings resulted from water and sewer reductions.
- Installation of Flushometer Toilets bringing the usage of 3.5 gpf down to 1.6 gpf
- Installed 284 tank toilets and urinals decreasing their water usage.
- Installed 285 existing shower faucets bringing the current usage of 2.5 gpm down to 1.5 gpm
- Retrofitted 289 lavatory sinks bringing their current usage of 2.0 gpm down to 1.5 gpm
- Installed a new deduct meter on the make-up line of the cooling tower. At the time of installation, the cooling tower was using 2.1 million gallons per year.