1. Client Challenge:
As a 40-year-old facility, Freedom Hall had antiquated lighting systems that limited energy conservation, lighting control, and light quality. The challenge was to design a new lighting system that addressed NCAA requirements while conserving energy and providing the level of control needed for arena lighting.
2. Lighting Solution:
Retro-Tech performed a facility-wide lighting upgrade. The project included upgrading the arena lighting, the concourses, and the back of house areas using primarily LED technology. The use of LEDs allows Freedom Hall to more effectively control the lighting in the arena area and also dramatically reduced maintenance costs due to the the significantly longer life of the LEDs.
3. The Results:
The energy savings for a project of this magnitude were significant. Freedom Hall expects to save close to $100,000 per year in electricity costs with another $7,000 in material maintenance savings. While improvements were made throughout the facility, it is the arena lighting that is perhaps the most impressive improvement to the facility. Older HID technology was replaced with new, high performance LED to improve both the quality of the light as well as the ability to control it effectively, without long warm-up times.