
New California Energy Efficiency Program Pays for Water Conservation in Schools

A new California energy efficiency program allows for full funding for the replacement of specific school water fixtures and appliances. The specific article within AB 841, referred to as the “School Noncompliant Plumbing Fixture and Appliance Program” is designed to greatly improve school water efficiency. ESCOs now can and should take full advantage of this legislation to provide these improvements to schools—and call on Envocore to design and build solutions.

Specific Appliances

The specific appliances called for replacement in the legislation, referred to as “non-compliant appliances,” are:

  • Any commercial dishwasher that was manufactured prior to January 1, 2010, that does not meet the efficiency requirement of the Energy Star Product Specification for Commercial Dishwashers, Version 1.1.

The replacement water-efficient appliance would be a commercial dishwasher that meets the criteria of the Energy Star Product Specification for Commercial Dishwashers, Version 2.0, or any revision to those criteria published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency that is adopted by the Energy Commission for the program.

  • Any automatic commercial ice maker that was manufactured prior to January 1, 2010, that does not meet the efficiency requirement of the Energy Star Product Specification for Automatic Commercial Ice Makers, Version 1.0.

The authorized replacement would be any automatic commercial ice maker that meets the criteria of the Energy Star Product Specification for Automatic Commercial Ice Makers, Version 3.0, or any revision to those criteria published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency that is adopted by the Energy Commission for the program.

  • Any commercial clothes washer that was manufactured prior to January 1, 2010, that does not meet the efficiency requirement of the Energy Star Product Specification for Clothes Washers, Version 5.0.

The authorized replacement would be any commercial clothes washer that meets the criteria of the Energy Star Product Specification for Clothes Washers, Version 8.0, or any revision to those criteria published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency that is adopted by the Energy Commission for the program.

Specific Plumbing Fixtures

As well, the legislation references section 1101.3(c) of the California Civil Code, which defines a “non-compliant plumbing fixture” requiring replacement as:

  • Any toilet manufactured to use more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush.
  • Any urinal manufactured to use more than one gallon of water per flush.
  • Any showerhead manufactured to have a flow capacity of more than 2.5 gallons of water per minute.
  • Any interior faucet that emits more than 2.2 gallons of water per minute.


The legislation calls for the California State Energy Commission, in collaboration with each utility, to develop and administer the School Non-compliant Plumbing Fixture and Appliance Program. Grants are to be provided to state agencies and local educational agencies to replace non-compliant fixtures and appliances that fail to meet water efficiency standards. It also calls for the replacement of potable waste water and the energy used to convey that water, with water-efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances.

Similarity to Past Program

This California Energy Efficiency Program is similar to the California Clean Energy Jobs Act K-12 Program (Proposition 39). The program awarded more than $1.7 billion over five years to schools, for the planning and installation of energy-efficient upgrades and clean energy generation measures.


Envocore leads the way in the designing and production of water-efficiency solutions. ESCOs can leverage Envocore’ s experience and understanding of this legislation for all appliance and fixture needs under the School Noncompliant Plumbing Fixture and Appliance Program. We have the resources to staff the unique needs of each project and client.

For more information, contact your Envocore sales representative at 1-800-929-5834.

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